

Registration is disabled for this event

Individual Registration

Important note: the system may display a warning "Session expired or invalid registration" after submitting the form. This warning can be ignored - you should receive a confirmation email later on an can check the registration status on the entry list page of the event. We are working on suppressing the message for the future. In case of problems beyond this - please contact the office


I hereby register / apply for entry for the WingFoil Racing World Cup Brazil. I agree that neither the organizers, nor IWSA, World Sailing, their agents, officials, sponsors or fellow competitors shall be liable in any way or in any circumstances for any damage, injury or loss that I/we may suffer during, in connection with, or as a result of taking part in this event. I understand to abide by the rules of the organizer, the Notice of Race, and the Sailing Instructions. I agree to participate in this event entirely at my own risk and that I must sail in a manner that is safe for ourselves and all others. I declare that I possess third party insurance for professional events in the hosting country and medical insurance. I also declare that the equipment I will use in the event is in good working order and properly maintained. I agree that, as a condition of my entry, I, and members of my party, will follow the instructions given by the organizer and/or Officials. I agree to abide by the rules of the site and accept that I will be liable for any damage I may cause, knowingly or otherwise. I agree to behave in a way that befits an international sporting event and that any misbehavior may result in disqualification, team penalization, fine or action.

I agree to be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing, the relevant Class Rules, the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions and to accept the penalties assessed under these rules and such other action as may be taken hereunder, subject to such appeal and review procedures as are provided herein, as the final determination of any matter arising under these rules and to agree not to report to any court or tribunal not provided here in with respect to such determination.
I accept that under RRS Fundamental Rule 4, Decision To Race, it is my sole responsibility to decide whether or not to start or to continue to race or compete, and I agree not to report to any court or tribunal with respect to such a decision and its consequences.


Payment Information

Payment Processing Fee
Gross Amount
Payment Method
Stripe Checkout
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